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Submit to Stop the Fast-track Bill NOW!

The countdown is on – please make a submission today. The Fast-track Approvals Bill is a bad, bad Bill. And would be an even worse law. with an even worse legacy!

The easiest way to submit – and it really is important! – is to do it via the Parliament website.. here is the link just follow the prompts: Submission
Some key points to raise/think about are:
  • the failure to include any environmental legislation or the Minister for the Environment
  • the removal of all avenues for public participation
  • Development Ministers having absolute power
  • the failure of the Bill to recognise the Crowns obligations to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • the apparent removal of the Coromandel from Schedule 4.
  • the broadness of the Bill – overriding so many Acts is inappropriate
  • the failure of the Bill to require consideration of future generations
It really is such an important issue to make a submission on. This is the most significant peeve of legislation for the Environment of Aotearoa NewZealand in at least a generation. There will be plenty of legal eagles making submissions – but we need everyone to share their thoughts – as emotional as they might be!
Remember to say you want to speak to your submission – a chance to look them in the eye (well, likely via video conferencing) and share all you couldn’t get onto the paper! Tell them who you are – what’s your job, why is the environment of Aotearoa, of Hauraki Coromandel, your town, so special to you – why should you, or DOC or groups like ours get a say…
You can also tell them what you fear will happen if the Bill goes ahead. You may be worried about things like
  • loss and fragmentation of habitat and species
  • degradation of our globally unique environment
  • compromised access to basics like clean drinking water
  • strained communities and social structures
  • damage to ‘brand Aotearoa New Zealand’

Hopefully these points will prompt your own thoughts, and words to flow into a submission!

Get into it, write it all down, get it in by 11.59, 19 April.

And if you think to – share your thoughts with our National MP’s. We are not convinced that this is the legacy many Nats would to be remembered for contributing during their political careers! Here’s a handy list of all their emails…

More info can be found via our link tree here too