Gold Miners Statements About Disruptions Untrue
An allegation in a media statement by Newmont Waihi Gold’s External Affairs Manager Kelvyn Eglinton that “the press releases from Coromandel Watchdog that a protest disrupted the Martha Mine Open day are untrue”, is itself untrue.
“The Press Release issued by Coromandel Watchdog made no such claim of disruption of the Martha Mine Open Day”, said Watchdog spokesperson Denis Tegg. “Some media may have mistakenly put that gloss on the protest, but Watchdog is not accountable for inaccurate reporting.”
The protest was peaceful and respectful, as both Mr Eglington and Vision Waihi Trust CEO Eddie Morrow have acknowledged.”
“Hopefully Newmont Waihi Gold’s media statements will be more carefully researched and accurate in the future”, said Mr Tegg